©️ Bibracte / Sophie Mobillion

“Breeding and agricultural systems for tomorrow, able to preserve landscapes and to obtain a resilient ecological transition”

SADAPTER answers a specific situation, more or less observed in every mid-mountain region, which combines agricultural decline, production systems slowing / running out of steam, and the already strong impact of climate change.

SADAPTER is part of the Grand Site de France initiative, based around the listed Bibracte site, as an authentic experimental scheme utilising the landscape to leverage  integrated, sustainable regional projects.

SADAPTER concerns twelve municipalities within the Morvan Regional Nature Park.

SADAPTER is a territorial and landscape project involving a group of local farmers (GIEE) supported by :

– A technical and economic approach led by the two Chambers of agriculture of Saône-et-Loire and Nièvre

– An ecological approach led by the Morvan Regional Nature Park

– A collective and cooperative land experiment led by SAFER

– Scientific support led by the UFR Agriculture Comparée at AgroParisTech

– Coordination by Bibracte EPCC.